Bishop Ryan Early Bird Wrestling Tournament
2019 BISHOP RYAN Early-Bird PDF
DATE: Friday November 22, 2019
VENUE: Bishop Ryan CSS
1824 Rymal Road East, Hannon, Ont L0R 1P0
COST:$15/wrestlerMake cheque payable to: BISHOP RYAN WRESTLING
This year’s tournament will be limited to only 300 wrestlers.
You MUST pre-register your team with the approximate number of athletes by:
Wednesday November 13, 2019 by
I will then confirm your entry and e-mail the Excel entry forms to be used to enter your team on Tuesday November 19, 2019.
Boys Open (kg):38, 41, 44, 47.5, 51, 54, 57.5, 61, 64, 67.5, 72, 77, 83, 89, 95, 130
Boys Rookie(kg):(1st year wrestler in grade 9 or 10 only - Grouped weight classes send in exact weight in kg)
Girls (kg):Grouped weight classes (send in exact weight in kg)
Weigh-In Time:Only those that have pre-registered are asked to e-mail your entries using the Excel entry forms provided by 5:00 pm on
Tuesday November 19, 2019 to:
NOTE: 1.Any team with wrestlers who do not show at the tournament will still be charged the entry fee. Please be certain that your athlete is committed to attend before you send in your entries.
2.A “Red Dot” system will be used with a 1kg allowance
WRESTLING BEGINS:9:00 am SHARP (please arrive by 8:15 am)
CONTACT PERSON:John DiBenedetto Phone 289 778-4066
Tournament information can be found at the BR Wrestling Web site: