OAWA 2024 Beach Wrestling Season

The OAWA is pleased to announce that the 2024 Beach Wrestling Season will get underway soon!

OAWA, in partnership with the Ontario Amateur Wrestling Officials' Association, held the first Beach Wrestling event in Canada last summer in Turkey Point on Lake Erie.  

"This summer, we hope to host a series of Beach Wrestling events" says Scott Mauthe, one of the group promoting the series that also includes United World Wrestling Accredited Beach Wrestling Officials Jason and Michelle Flinders.  "We are filling in our schedule now -  there are two other dates that we are working on down on the west end of Lake Erie (Windsor/Sarnia areas) that we hope to finalize soon" says Mauthe. 

The following dates and locations are confirmed and the group will have full event Flyers as the events approach:

View the Series Flyer HERE

Saturday, June 15, 2024
 Lake Erie Beach Wrestling Series Event # 1-- Port Stanley     Click here for EVENT FLYER

Saturday July 27, 2024

 Lake Erie Beach Wrestling Series Event # 2 - 

July 27, 2024

St. Clair College, Windsor  Get the Flyer HERE

Saturday, August 17, 2024
Lake Erie Beach Wrestling Series Event # 3 - Turkey Point Flyer pending

For more details, check the OAWA Event Calendar soon.