Provincial Championships Postponed
The Ontario Amateur Wrestling Association is announcing the cancellation of the Ontario Junior Championships January 29, 2022 in London and the Ontario Cadet Open, Juvenile Championships and U-23 Open February 5 – 6, 2022 in Markham.
The OAWA regrets the need to take these measures, but since the current lockdown is scheduled until January 26th we believe there isn’t sufficient time for our clubs and athletes to prepare to compete in these events.
OAWA is conscious of the toll of these cancellations on our member clubs, athletes, coaches, officials and other wrestling supporters. We are working on establishing a new competitive schedule for this year, possibly to include Provincial Championships if they can be scheduled, and National events depending on the direction from Wrestling Canada Lutte.
OAWA will be participating in a Town Hall on National events to take place Wednesday January 19, 2022 hosted by WCL.
We encourage all members to stay safe, follow the return to training and competition guidance when established by the Government of Ontario. Please monitor the OAWA website and social media for Return to training and competition guidance and scheduling announcements.
Thank you for your continued support of Ontario Wrestling.
Yours in Wrestling,
The Board of Directors,
Ontario Amateur Wrestling Association